Central Institute of Orthopaedics (CIO)

The Central Institute of Orthopaedics (CIO) is pioneering institute of its kind in India. The institute was established by the Govt. of India while implementing third five years plan in 1962 with duly approved by the planning commission with the philosophy & objective to provide the comprehensive management to the patients in the field of Orthopaedics related to the diagnostics, surgical & rehabilitative services.

The institute was founded for the proper orthopaedics care to the suffering of humanity and also to develop as excellentmodel for services, teaching, training & researches in Orthopaedics.

Today the CIO due to its reputation as a unique center in the management of Orthopaedics cases with advanced technology draws the patients not only from the India but also from neighboring countries.

Recognizing the diverse needs of Orthopaedics patients, the CIO is first center in India to start highly specialized working unit.

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Sr. No.NameDesignation
1Dr. L. G. KrishnaDirector Professor & HOD
2Dr. Geetika KhannaDirector Professor
3Dr. Sumit AroraAssistant Professor
4Dr. Vikas GuptaConsultant
5Dr. Davinder SinghAssociate Professor
6Dr. V. K. SharmaDirector Professor
7Dr. R. K. BeniwalConsultant
8Dr. B. P. SharmaConsultant
9Dr. Abhishek KashyapAssistant Professor
10Dr. Ramesh KumarDirector Professor
11Dr. Mukesh Pruthi-
12Dr. Narendra KumarProfessor
13Dr. R. K. ChopraProfessor
14Dr. Shailendra KhareHigher Administrative Grade Officer
15Dr. Jatin TalwarAssistant Professor
16Dr. Ashish JaimanProfessor
17Dr. RajniDirector Professor

Sr.No.Name of Faculty/SpecialistOPD DaysOT DaysNEB OTEmergencyOPD Room No.Total No. of OTs
1Dr. Loveneesh G. Krishna 
& Dr. S.K.Pandey
Main - Sat
Follow Up - Wed
OT - 1, 2, 3, 4
Tuesday (9AM to 4PM)Wednesday164
Dr. Shailendra Khare----8-
Dr. Jatin Talwar----7-
Dr. Ashish Rustagi----5C-
Dr. Vipin Gupta----8-
Senior ResidentSaturday---5A-
2Dr. R.K.ChopraMain - Tues
Follow Up - Fri
OT - 1, 2, 3, 4
Monday (9AM to 4PM)Friday164
Dr. Ashish Jaiman----7-
Dr. Jatin Prakash----8-
Senior ResidentTuesday---5A-
3Dr. B.P. Sharma
& Dr. Mukul Mohindra
Main - Mon
Follow Up - Thur
OT - 1, 2, 3, 4
Saturday (9AM to 4PM)Thursday164
Dr. Tankeshwar Boruah----5B-
Dr. Sandeep Shaina----8-
Senior ResidentMonday---5A-
4Dr. Vikas GuptaMain - Wed
Follow Up - Sat
Tuesday OT - 1, 2, 3
Monday OT - 1
Friday (9AM to 4PM)Saturday5B4
Dr. Deepak Kr Sharma----6-
Dr. Arun Kr Pandey----2-
Dr. jitender Mishra----5D-
Senior ResidentWednesday---5A-
5Dr. R.K. BeniwalMain - Fri
Follow Up - Tue
Monday OT - 2, 3, 4
Tuesday OT - 4
Thursday (9AM to 4PM)Tuesday64
Dr. Vikas----5B-
Dr. Divesh Jalan----5C-
Senior ResidentFriday---5A-
6Dr. Narendra KumarMain - Thur
Follow Up - Mon
OT - 1, 2, 3, 4
Wednesday (9AM to 4PM)Monday74
Dr. Atul Sareen----6-
Dr. Ravi Sreenivasan----5C-
Dr. Mohit Kumar Patralekh----2-
Senior ResidentThursday---5A-

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At present there is no content available for this section, once content will be available would be updated.

At present there is no content available for this section, once content will be available would be updated.