
Department of Neurology, V.M.M.C & Safdarjung Hospital New Delhi -110029

Name of the Department - Neurology

Name of the Head - Dr. Bhupender Kr Bajaj

Location of the Department in the hospital - Super-specialty block , Eight Floor, V.M.M.C & Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi -110029

Total No. of Faculty in the Department - 03

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All Neurology Procedures are performed Free of Cost except EEG which costs Rs 200 per Exam as per hospital instruction

  • Botox Injection - 3rd Wednesday of every month. Patients are given prior appointments and informed telephonically also
  • EEG - 

    • Monday to Saturday in room no's 234,219,213:2nd Floor SSB. Patients are given prior appointments. Pediatric EEGs ordered by pediatric department are done regularly in department of Neurology-by-Neurology Technicians
    • Emergent EEGs as requested by any other department
  • EMG - 

    • Monday to Saturday Room no 211, 214
    • 2nd Floor SSB. Patients are given prior appointments.
    • Emergent EMGs as requested by any other department
  • Disability Certification - 

    • Single Disability done in room no 837, 8th floor SSB 2nd and 4th Wednesday
    • Twice a week: Multiple disability certification as required by the disability cell

Neurology department of Safdarjung Hospital is one the oldest super specialty departments of Safdarjung Hospital, started in 1963. Department of Neurology of Safdarjung Hospital is the main Neurological referral center of the Country for the Central Govt. Employees. It also caters to the needs of the population of Delhi, neighboring states, and far-off places. Several cases are being referred to Safdarjung Hospital from AIIMS, ESI hospitals, other State Government Hospitals, and various peripheral hospitals.

OPD services: Neurology department runs OPD services Twice a week- General Neurology, and two special clinics ie Intractable epilepsy clinic And Cognitive Neurology Clinic. Number of patients seen at Neurology OPD is increasing every year. The annual OPD attendance in year 1975 was 10812 and is increasing every year presently more than 50,000 patients attend neurology OPD every year.

Inpatient services: Neurology department has well established ward in ward 16 and caters to the needs of various patients of neurological disorders, including various neurological emergencies. Neurology department also provides referral services to various departments of Safdarjung Hospital.

In the OPD, like all other specialty units patients are registered when they are referred from a primary care unit of the hospital, CGHS dispensaries, or from other hospitals. The OPD is run on Monday and Thursday. Registration is open from 9:00 am to 11:30 am. The average OPD attendance is 450 patients. The average yearly attendance has been showing a steady increase over the years. OPD’s are conducted in Room No. 218, 221,222, 223(2nd Floor SSB)

Sr. No.NameDesignation
1Dr. Neera ChaudhryHead of Department
2Mr. Vijay-
3Dr. Vivek YadavPhysiotherapist
4Dr. Puja SinghPhysiotherapist
5Dr. Monica YadavPhysiotherapist
6Sh. BrijenderTechnologists
7Sh. Anmol SainiTechnologists
8Ms. Rajni SaraswatTechnologists
9Mrs. Saroj Bala-
10Dr. S. K. ChandanAssistant Professor
11Dr. Sanghamitra LaskarAssociate Professor
12Ms. Meena-

Sr. No.FacultyDayOPD Name/ClinicRoom No.
1Dr. Neera Chaudhry, (Professor)Monday & ThursdayNeurology OPD221
WednesdayIntractable Epilepsy Clinic221
2Dr Sanghamitra Laskar, (Associate Prof.)Monday & ThursdayNeurology OPD223
SaturdayCognitive Neurology Clinic223
3Dr. Shishir Chandan( CMO & Assistant Prof.)Monday & ThursdayNeurology OPD222
4-Monday & ThursdayPhysiotherapy OPD215

Rest of the days physiotherapy is done on a regular basis in the wards.

Sr. No.FacultyDayClinicRoom No.
1Dr. Neera ChaudharyWednesdayIntractable Epilepsy Clinic221
2Dr Sanghamitra LaskarSaturdayCognitive Neurology Clinic223

On every Wednesday, Intractable epilepsy clinic. All epilepsy cases both new and old are seen in this clinic. Problematic epilepsy cases are specially looked for specific factors responsible for failure of control. Women with epilepsy are specially taken care off. They are counseled for planning pregnancy. They are followed up till delivered.

Every Saturday Cognitive Neurology Clinic is run for patients with dementia.

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At present there is no content available for this section, once content will be available would be updated.

At present there is no content available for this section, once content will be available would be updated.

DM Neurology was started in 2018 with 03 candidates per year

The teaching programme is conducted all days from 8.30 AM in the Seminar Room, 813, 8th floor SSB


Journal Clubs

Teaching Grand Rounds

Medicine PGs are posted for Neurology training

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At present there is no content available for this section, once content will be available would be updated.