
Department of ophthalmology has been establishment since inception of SJH. It has three wings i.e. outdoor, Indoor and Operation theatre. The outdoor (OPD) is located on 4th floor, New OPD building, C-wing. Indoor (Ward-17) is located on third floor H-Block (Ward - 17).The operation theatre is located in D wing 4th floor New OPD block. This department caters to the need of poorest of poor of the society for routine, emergency and advanced eye care. This department is equipped with state of art modern equipment’s. More than 300 patients are benefitted by outdoor, indoor, operative, investigative and specialty services of this department every day .Since the day of inception it is involved in postgraduate teaching. Now it is involved in PG and UG teaching, Research work, Optometrist & Nursing. This department is hosting workshops, CME and symposium from time to time. Academics Schedules are followed to ensure good Postgraduate teachings.

  • OPD
  • Main Eye O.T
  • Super Speciality Eye O.T
  • Refraction Unit
  • Investigation Lab- Super Speciality Clinics


  • Treatment of General Eye Ailments
  • Refraction

Minor Procedures in Minor OT

  • Chalazion Removal
  • Syringing + Probing
  • LID Repair
  • Mass Excision

Surgeries Done in OT

  • Cataract Surgery
  • Oculoplasty Surgeries
  • Pterygium Surgery
  • Squint Surgery
  • Glaucoma Surgeries
  • Intravitreal Injections
  • Retinal Surgeries

Sr. No.NameDesignation
1Dr. (Prof.) Anuj MehtaHead of Department
2Dr. Sanchal SethiChief Medical Officer
3Dr. Khushi RamChief Medical Officer
4Dr. Pooja GuptaChief Medical Officer
5Dr. Ashwani MeherdaChief Medical Officer
6Dr. V. RajshekharSpecialist Gr-II
7Dr. Sangeeta AbrolProfessor
8Dr. Anita SharmaSenior Specialist
9Dr. R. SahaiDirector-NOTTO
10Dr. R. K. DuveshUnit Incharge
11Dr. Aman GaurMedical Officer
12Dr. Richa MishraMedical Officer
13Dr. Anurag NarulaSenior Specialist
14Dr. Pankaj RanjanChief Medical Officer
15Dr. Bindi GargChief Medical Officer
16Dr. H. S. SethiProfessor
17Dr. Rekha YadavAssistant Professor

Duty Roster (UNIT-I)

With partial modification of earlier duty roster of Unit -I, the duty roster to be carried out w.e.f. 01.06.2024 onwards by faculty, Resident doctors, all staff etc.

Sr. No.DayRoom No. 373 (CGHS)Room No. 374 (CGHS)Room No. 436Room No. 437Room No. 438Room No. 439Room No. 440
1MondayDr. Aman Gaur 
Dr. Harshita
Dr. Richa MishraDr. Shweta 
Dr. Harshita
Dr. Shweta 
Dr. Harshita
Dr. Anuj Mehta 
Dr. Ritu 
Dr. Nikki
Dr. Bindi Garg 
Dr. Grisilda 
Dr. Kunal
Dr. Pankaj Ranjan 
Dr. Sunita 
Dr. Swati
2WednesdayDr. Anurag NarulaDr. Richa MishraDr. Aman Gaur 
Dr. Ritu 
Dr. Harshita
Dr. H.S Sethi 
Dr. Nikki
Dr. Anuj Mehta 
Dr. Shweta 
Dr. Hardik
Dr. Bindi Garg 
Dr. Grisilda 
Dr. Kunal
Dr. Pankaj Ranjan 
Dr. Sunita 
Dr. Swati
3FridayDr. Anuj Mehta 
Dr. Swati 
Dr. Nikki
Dr. Anurag NarulaDr. Shweta 
Dr. Harshita
Dr. H.S Sethi 
Dr. Hardik
Dr. Richa Mishra 
Dr. Ritu
Dr. BindiGarg 
Dr. Grisilda
Dr. PankajRanjan 
Dr. Sunita 
Dr. Kunal

Duty Roster (UNIT-II)

With partial modification of earlier duty roster of Unit -II, the new roster to be carried out w.e.f.01.04.24 onwards by faculty, Resident doctors, all staff etc.

Sr. No.DaysRoom No. 436Room No. 437Room No. 438Room No. 439Room No. 440Room No. 373Room No. 374
1TuesdayDr. Sangeeta Abrol 
Dr. Dharmendra 
Dr. Prakruti
Dr. Pooja Gupta 
Dr. Hardik
Dr. V. Rajshekhar 
Dr. Grisilda 
Dr. Kiru
Dr. Saanchal Sethi 
Dr. Nishi
Dr. GajashreeDr. Anita Sharma 
Dr. Hitisha
Dr. Ashwani Meherda
2ThursdayDr. Sangeeta Abrol 
Dr. Dharmendra 
Dr. Prakruti
Dr. Pooja Gupta 
Dr. Saanchal Sethi
Dr. V. Rajshekhar 
Dr. Grisilda 
Dr. Kiru
Dr. Anita Sharma 
Dr. Hitisha
Dr. AshwaniMeherda 
Dr. Gajashree
Dr. Khushi RamDr. R.K. Duvesh 
Dr. Nishi
3SaturdayDr. SangeetaAbrol 
Dr. Dharmendra 
Dr. Prakruti
Dr. Pooja Gupta 
Dr. SaanchalSethi
Dr. Hitisha 
Dr. kiru
Dr. Nishi 
Dr. Hardik
Dr. AshwaniMeherda 
Dr. Gajashree
Dr. R.K. Duvesh 
Dr. Khushi Ram
Dr. V. Rajshekhar 
Dr. Grisilda

Specialty Clinics

Sr. No.DayClinic
1MondayRetina Clinic 
Dr. V. Rajshekhar (Incharge) 
Dr. Anurag Narula 
Dr. Ashwini Meherda 
Dr. Saanchal Sethi
Oculoplasty Clinic 
Dr. Anuj Mehta (Incharge) 
Dr. Bindi Garg 
Dr. Pankaj Ranjan 
Dr. Richa Mishra
2TuesdayGlaucoma Clinic UNIT-II 
Dr. Sangeeta Abrol (Incharge) 
Dr. Pooja Gupta 
Dr. Ashwini Meherda 
Dr. Saanchal Sethi
3WednesdayGlaucoma Clinic UNIT-I 
Dr. H.S. Sethi (Incharge) 
Dr. Bindi Garg 
Dr. Pankaj Ranjan 
Dr. Richa Mishra 
Dr. Aman Gaur
4ThursdayCornea Clinic 
Dr. Pooja Gupta (Incharge) 
Dr. Khushi Ram 
Dr. Saanchal Sethi
Squint And Neuro-Opthalmology 
Dr. R.K. Duvesh (Incharge) 
Dr. Anita Sharma 
Dr. Ashwini Meherda
Dr. V. Rajshekhar (Incharge) 
Dr. Anurag Narula
5FridayOculoplasty Clinic 
Dr. Anuj Mehta (Incharge) 
Dr. Bindi Garg 
Dr. Anurag Narula 
Dr. Pankaj Ranjan 
Dr. Richa Mishra
  • All the patients attending the clinic should get registered in clinic first.
  • Records of all the patients, who require long term follow up, should be maintained in clinic.
  • All the patients requiring surgeries should be shown to incharge of the clinic before being posted for surgery.
  • Intravitreal injection Ranizumab is free only for ROP patients & patients below poverty line (BPL).



Name of the candidate, Name of the guide, Title of the thesis, Period

  • Name of the candidate - Dr. Anu 
    Name of the guide - Dr. Anuj Mehta 
    Title of the thesis - Ganglion cell layer & inner plexiform layer thickness in early diagnosis of non-arteriic anterior ischaemic optic neuropathey 
    Period - 2021-2024
  • Name of the candidate - Dr. Hardik 
    Name of the guide - Dr. Sangeeta Abrol 
    Title of the thesis - Correlation between systemic blood pressure and target in traocular pressure in primary open angle Glaucoma 
    Period - 2021-2024
  • Name of the candidate - Dr. Sneha 
    Name of the guide - Dr. V. Rajshekhar 
    Title of the thesis - Optical cohorence tomography biomarker disorganization of the retinal inner layers as a predictor of visual acuity in patients with centre involved diabetic macular edema undergoing ANTI-VEGF therapy 
    Period - 2021-2024
  • Name of the candidate - Dr. Sanjana 
    Name of the guide - Dr. H.S.Sethi 
    Title of the thesis - Efficacy of proparacaine 0.5% eye drops installation in operating eye vs both the eyes in phacoemulsification 
    Period - 2021-2024
  • Name of the candidate - Dr. Prakruti CB 
    Name of the guide - Dr. Sangeeta Abrol 
    Title of the thesis - Correlation between ocular perfusion prerssure and color doppler parameters in patients with primary open angle glaucoma 
    Period - 2022-2025.
  • Name of the candidate - Dr. S. Kirubhalani 
    Name of the guide - Dr. R.K. Duvesh 
    Title of the thesis - Ganglion cell complex and peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer thickness in patients receiving anti tubercular therapy 
    Period - 2022-2025
  • Name of the candidate - Dr. Nikki 
    Name of the guide - Dr. Anuj Mehta 
    Title of the thesis - The outcome of frontalis sling surgery for simplecongenital ptosis in different age groups 
    Period - 2022-2025.
  • Name of the candidate - Dr. Kunal Singh 
    Name of the guide - Dr. H. S. Sethi 
    Title of the thesis - Patient cooperation and surgeon satisfaction during temporaland superior phacoemulsification under topical anaesthesia 
    Period - 2022-2025


  • Bahl VJ, Malik KPS, Guliani BP. Evaluation of cautery in manual small-incision cataract surgery. Indian J Ophthalmol. 2022 Nov; 70(11): 3883-3887. doi: 10.4103/ijo.IJO_1540_22. PMID: 36308120; PMCID: PMC9907235.
  • Dabas S, Gupta V, Narula A. Disseminated cysticercosis: a case report and review of treatment protocols. BMJ Case Rep. 2022 Mar 18; 15(3): e248603. doi: 10.1136/bcr-2021-248603. PMID: 35304357; PMCID: PMC8935178.
  • Gandhi A, Narula A, Chandra S, Agarwal D, Mehta A, Nayak S, Arora S, Capoor MR. Battling the emerging epidemic of rhino-orbital-cerebral mucormycosis (ROCM) in COVID-19 pandemic: an interventional study. IntOphthalmol. 2022 Oct 23:1–10. doi: 10.1007/s10792-022-02556-3. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 36273362; PMCID: PMC9589720.
  • Aastha Gandhi, AnuragNarula, Shreya Chandra et al. Battling the Emerging Epidemic of Rhino-Orbital-Cerebral Mucormycosis (ROCM) in COVID-19 Pandemic: A Prospective Interventional Study, 02 November 2022, PREPRINT (Version 1) available at Research Square [https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-954315/v1].
  • DiviyanshuNadda, JyotiSheoran, SaurabhSachar, AnuragNarula. Central Retinal Artery Occlusion Secondary To High Altitude Exposure. Delhi Journal of Ophthalmology.2022; Vol 32, No (4): 61 - 65
  • Prasad S, Gaur A, Mehta A, Kaushal N. Rhino-orbital mucormycosis in a patient with no susceptibility following P.vivax malaria infection-a case report. BMC Ophthalmol. 2022 Oct 1;22(1):389. doi: 10.1186/s12886-022-02611-8. PMID: 36183076; PMCID: PMC9525941.
  • Prasad S, Mehta A, Gaur A. The role of a conjunctival biopsy in the diagnosis of eosinophilicgranulomatosis with polyangiitis with ocular involvement. Indian J Ophthalmol Case Rep 2023;3:161-3.
  • Abrol S, Kumar KC. Primary eye care model in India. Community Eye Health Journal 34(113):s15-s16. Epub 2022 Mar 1. PMID: 36033414; PMCID: PMC9412114.
  • Gaur A, Sarkar P. Eye: The Hard-hit Victim of COVID-19 Pandemic. J Ophthalmic Vis Res. 2022 Apr 29;17(2):290-295. doi: 10.18502/jovr.v17i2.10805. PMID: 35765644; PMCID: PMC9185198.
  • Revankar S, Mehta A: Determination of exophthalmometry values in the north Indian population. Indian J Ophthalmol 2022; 70:3083-7
  • Gajashree, S., Mehta, A., Duvesh, R. Gupta, S. and Puri, G., (2022). A case of adult- onset asthma and periocularxanthogranuloma treated with systemic steroids. Indian Journal of Ophthalmology - Case Reports, 2(3), p.772.
  • Naik, M., Mehta, A. and Agarwal, S., (2022). Single-triangle technique for congenital ptosis repair with a frontalis sling in blepharophimosis patients. Taiwan Journal of Ophthalmology, 12(1), p.82.
  • Gandhi A, Narula A, Chandra S, Agarwal D, Mehta A, Nayak S, Arora S, Capoor MR. Battling the emerging epidemic of rhino-orbital-cerebral mucormycosis (ROCM) in COVID-19 pandemic: an interventional study. IntOphthalmol. 2023 May;43(5):1571-1580. doi: 10.1007/s10792-022-02556-3. Epub 2022 Oct 23. PMID: 36273362; PMCID: PMC9589720.
  • Non-Commercial Drug Formulations for Corneal Infections. DOS TIMES Volume 28, no. 5, sep-oct 2022.
  • A case of adult onset xanthogranuloma treated with oral steroids. Indian journal of ophthalmology DOI: 10.4103/ijo.IJO_3073_21
  • Battling the merging epidemic of ROCM in COVID-19 pandemic: an intervential study
  • Outcome of tuberculous meningitis in children aged 9 months to 12 years at the end of intensive phase of treatment http://doi/10.106/j.ijtb.2023.05.007

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