Burns Plastic and Maxillofacial Surgery

Safdarjung Hospital burns unit is the largest burns unit of the world as far as patient turnover is concerned. The dept. was set up in 1962 as a separate department in the hospital under the charge of a Plastic Surgeon. It started as a regional centre for burns under the National Health Scheme by the Ministry of Health with a few beds which increased to 54 in 1977 to the current bed strength of 108. It is the only unit where all the ancillary facilities are available under one roof. It also has its own separate Casualty for burn patients where they are received directly. The dept. Is now in its 50th year of existence. It attracts patients not only from Delhi but also from adjoining states of U.P, Haryana, Rajasthan, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Uttaranchal Pradesh, M.P, and far off states like Bihar, Assam & J&K.


The building is located opposite the Medical Record Section besides Blood Bank & CSSR Deptt.

OPD days

The dept. runs Burns, Plastic surgery & Maxillofacial surgery OPD on 6 days a week from 9.00 AM to 1.00PM.

Faculty Staff

The dept. provides comprehensive health care to patients suffering from burns or requiring Plastic surgery, reconstructive surgery, micro vascular or Maxillofacial surgery. There are 16 qualified full time Specialist and 34 Senior residents and 16 Junior residents besides other supportive staff.

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Hospital services

The department has total strength of 108 beds

  • ICU : 12 Beds
  • Disaster : 3 beds
  • Ward 22 : 17 beds
  • Ward 22-A : 32 beds
  • Ward 23-A : 22 beds
  • Ward 23-B : 22 beds

There is a dedicated casualty for burns in the department which runs 24 hours day and 365 days a year where burns patients are received directly and patients with maxillofacial trauma or limb trauma, requiring reconstruction referred from other casualties are also received. They are attended to by junior residents and senior resident doctor and nursing staff who are all posted in shifts. The departments thus provides round the clock back up for acute as well as chronic cases trauma and mass casualties. The dept provides surgical care for all cases related to burns, sequel burn as well as patients requiring reconstructive, plastic, anesthetic, maxillofacial and micro vascular surgery.

Intensive Care Unit

Consist of 12 beds for resuscitation of burns injuries. It is centrally air conditioned, all separate cubicles with each cubicles having gadgets to record Sp02, HR and ECG tracing with NIBP with vacuum / oxygen centrally supplied separately to each cubical. Each cubicle has independent operating light for minor/ bed side surgical procedure. Arterial blood gas analyzer in the ICU for ABG, two ventilators are available round the clock for any patients requiring artificial ventilation. ICU is manned 24 resident manning the critical care units are trained in all intervention procedures.

Emergency Services

The department has its own causality for burns 24 hours a day and 365 days a year and looks after the acute burns trauma, soft tissue injuries of face and hand and other avulsion injuries.

Out patients dressing:

The departments has three separate dressing rooms for male, female and children. The dressing are done with all aseptic precaution by para medical personnel and dresser who wear gloves, masks and aprons.

Ward 22

17 bedded, separate cubical with oxygen / vacuum independently to each cubical. This ward is centrally air conditioned.

Ward 22-A

32 bedded centrally air conditioned for stable burns patients.

Ward 23-A/B

Plastic surgery ward 23-A & B has capacity of 22 beds for male and female patients respectively. Is Centrally air conditioned. Patients requiring any plastic surgery reconstructive/ cosmetic / micro vascular intervention are admitted and operated.

Operation Theater

Separate operation theaters for plastic surgery.and burn surgery , 3 Major operations and two for minor surgery.

Burns Theater

One on ground floor with 2 suites – one for burns surgery and emergency surgeries.

Physiotherapy Section

Manned by two qualified physiotherapist. The department looks after the bed-ridden patients both burns and plastic surgery cases who are referred to this section for physiotherapy. Attendance is about 40-45 patients.

Diagnostic facilities

The department as its own clinical laboratory, designed for rapid Biochemical tests which functions between 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. for essential tests. It is equipped with - Automatic Blood Analyzer.

  • Hematological
  • Biochemistry
  • Easylyte Electrolyte

Sr. No.NameDesignation
1Dr. Shalabh KumarConsultant
2Dr. Durga KarkiProfessor
3Dr. Vishwa PrakashConsultant
4Dr. Deepti GuptaAssistant Professor
5Dr. Savita AroraConsultant
6Dr. Sujata SarabhaiConsultant
7Dr. Gourav Kumar GuptaProfessor
8Dr. Piyush. K. ThayalAssistant Professor
9Dr. R. K. SrivastvaConsultant
10Dr. Amrita MoreAssociate Professor
11Dr. H. K. SharmaConsultant
12Dr. Shardendu SharmaConsultant
13Dr. Raman TandonProfessor
14Dr. Deepak NandaConsultant
15Dr. V. K. TiwariPrincipal Consultant
16Dr. R. K. KainProfessor
17Dr. Upendra SharmaProfessor
18Dr. Sunil SharmaProfessor


Sr. No.Unit No.Unit In-charge NameOPD Room No./Consultant NamePlastic Surgery OPDBurns OPD
1.IDr. Shalabh Kumar1. Dr. Shalabh KumarMonday


2. Dr. Upendra Sharma
3. Dr. Rakesh Kain
2.IIDr. V.K.Tiwari1. Dr. V.K.TiwariWednesday


2. Dr. Deepak Nanda
3. Dr. Raman Tandon
3.IIIDr. Shardendu Sharma1. Dr. Shardendu SharmaThursday


2. Dr. Harish Kumar Sharma
3. Dr. Amrita More
4.IVDr. R.K.Srivastava1. Dr. R.K.SrivastavaSaturday


2. Dr. Piyush.K.Thayal
3. Dr. Gaurav K Gupta
5.VDr. Sujata Sarabahi1. Dr. Sujata SarabahiTuesday


2. Dr. Savita Arora
3. Dr. Deepti Gupta
6.VIDr. Vishwa Prakash1. Dr. Vishwa PrakashFriday


2. Dr. Durga Karki
3. Dr. Sunil Sharma
Sr. No.OPD roomsFloor
1Burns CasualtyGround Floor
2Burns OPDGround Floor
3Plastic Surgery O.P.DGround Floor
4Maxillofacial Surgery OPDGround Floor

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Departmental activities in 2011-12

  • The department hosted a one day programme on National wound care project in collaboration with DFSI (Diabetic foot society of india) on 20th April 2011 which was attended by 100 residents and faculty from different departments of the hospital. It included lectures on different types wounds and live demonstration of use of wound care products in dressing of different wounds.
  • The department also hosted the first pilot project for NPPBI (National programme for prevention of burns injuries) under the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare for 15 days from 3 rd to 15th August 2011. Where in 18 doctors from different parts of the country received training on management of Burns and how to open and run a burns centre from very experienced faculty members of Safdarjang Hospital, Lok Nayak Hospital and, R.M.L hospital. There were two batches for six days course each.
  • The dept. also hosted the 20th annual National conference of Burns NABICON 2012 from 3rd to 5th February 2012. Dr. V.K. Tiwari was the president of NABI from 2011 - 2012. The conference was naugurated by his Excellency Dr. Abdul Kalam Azad, EX president of India. It included a half day live operative work shop from Safdarjang Hospital including management of some difficult Burn cases and two & half day rich interactive scientific session attended by over 250 delegates and 30 faculty members from all over the country and the world.

This was preceeded by a 1 day CME for training of nurses in burns under the chairmanship of Dr. Karoon Agrawal Head of the Department. This was attended by 200 delegates and lectures were given by both National and International faculties.

  • There were hands on workshop on technique of Botox injection conducted by Dr. Kuldeep Singh on 5th November 2011. There was another hand on workshop on carving of cartilage (Bovine) by the residents conducted by Dr. P.S Bhandari on 7th Jan 2012.

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The Deptt. of Burns, Plastic & Maxillofacial Surgery has attained the national repute for teaching & training of medical & para medical personnels from different institutions in India & neighbouring states.

The deptt. is a now affiliated to Indraprastha University for imparting post doctoral (MCh) training in Plastic surgery for the past 2 years. This course is recognized by the Medical council of India. The duration of the course is 3 years after passing M.S in General surgery . Every year 10 candidates are admitted for the course. Admission is through entrance examination conducted by I.P. University every year in June. The teaching programme for MCH training is also conducted 5 to 6 days a week consisting of journal club, Seminars / Symposiums, Case planning sessions grand rounds, lecture programs from experts of the hospital and other institutions & research group meetings.

Observer ship training

Training of doctors interested in Burns from all over India & abroad is entertained on a regular basis.


The deptt. has its own library containing about 50 books on Burns & Plastic surgery which are available to post graduate students.


The deptt. has its own pathology museum for teaching & research purposes. All interesting specimens obtained from operation theatre are mounted, labeled & kept in the museum.

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