शारीरिक चिकित्सा और पुनर्वास (पीएमआर)
Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation (PMR) at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi is one of the pioneer Rehabilitation Centre in the country where comprehensive medical rehabilitation services are available for short and long term cases to provide the highest quality of care for a wide variety of patients.
Who We Treat
Sr. No. | Case Diagnoses | Treatment |
1 | Stroke Rehabilitation | Amputation & Limb Deficiencies |
2 | Chronic Pain | Parkinson's Disease |
3 | Spinal Cord Injuries | Arthritis and Joint Conditions |
4 | Spine & related disease Rehabilitation | Gait (Walking) Disorders |
5 | Brain Injuries | Cancer Rehabilitation |
6 | Pediatric Rehabilitation | Cerebral Palsy |
7 | Vestibular Disorders | Musculoskeletal related disorders |
8 | Lifestyle disorders | Back Injuries and Back Pain |
9 | Neurological Disorders | Osteoporosis |
10 | Neuropathies | Post Burn Rehabilitation |
11 | Geriatric Rehabilitation | Neurodevelopmental and other Neurodegenerative Disorders |
12 | Myopathy |
Department caters to patients reporting directly to OPD and referred cases from other departments of hospital. Patients coming to Department of PMR are first examined by a specialist doctor in OPD who investigates the case, diagnoses it and advises treatment. For chronic cases, management planning is done in special clinics like - Polio clinic, Early intervention clinic, Cerebral palsy & Pediatrics neurorehabilitation clinic, Stroke & Adult neurorehabilitation clinic, Spinal cord injury clinic, Appliance clinic, Diabetic foot clinic and Disability Clinic.
Department has complete Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation setup including:
- Medical advice - OPD & Referrals
- Indoor Services
- Spinal Injury Rehabilitation Section
- Rehabilitation Surgery
- Physiotherapy
- Occupational Therapy
- Medico Social Work Section
- Remedial Gymnastics
- Prosthetic & Orthotic Workshop
- Vocational Guidance & Training
- Rural Rehabilitation Services.
The goal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation is to assist differently abled patients in achieving their maximum physical, psychosocial and vocational potential.
Contact: Telefax No. +91-11-26164887
Ground floor, D Wing, OPD Block, Entry from door opposite Nursing School & Main Entrance of OPD Block.
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Physiotherapy Section:
This section is fully equipped including exercise therapy, various heat and cold therapy; electrotherapy (Ultrasonic, Short wave Diathermy, IFT).
Occupational Therapy:
A fully equipped Occupational therapy section trains patients in activities of daily living through activity based exercises, ADL modifications and care, hand function improvement and home modifications.
Prosthetic & Orthotic Workshop:
This is well equipped to manufacture and assemble conventional and modern Prosthetic and orthotic devices for various rehabilitation activities.
Medico Social Work section:
This section caters to medico-social needs of patients. With the help of linkages with many NGOs, the section provides free aids and appliances to poor patients.
Vocational Guidance and training section:
This provides a wide variety of vocational guidance and training in vocational activities. Vocational training is given to differently abled patients through linkages with other NGOs.
Rural Rehabilitation Services:
The rural rehabilitation programme was started in 1983 in 6 Panchayats of District Gurgaon [Haryana] which was extended gradually in 14 Panchayats. Keeping in view the rising demand of people for Rehabilitation services in the adjoining area, one more new panchayat was identified under Rehabilitation services.
On every Tuesday the OPD is conducted by Specialist doctor and rehab team at Rural Rehabilitation Centre village Kadipur, Distt. Gurgoan [Haryana]. The adjoining rural community referred by Rural Rehabilitation team, visits and avail Rehabilitation advice/management/treatment from RRC. Regular Health Education activities are carried out at selected rural community. Regular field visits/survey is conducted in assigned rural community.
RRC team performs following activities:
- Early detection of all types of disabilities.
- Refer the person with disability to tertiary care centre.
- Community education in DPR [Disability Prevention & Rehabilitation].
- Co-operation is extended in various health programs being organized by local health functionaries in the area of disability prevention and rehabilitation.
- Regular visit at Anganwadis to create awareness in prevention & rehabilitation of disability.
- Counseling is provided regularly to patients and their attendants.
- Free aids & appliances are distributed to selected patients with disability.
Health Education:
Cooperation is extended in immunization & Rehabilitation services being organized by local health functionaries in the area of Rural Rehabilitation Programme. Disability prevention and rehabilitation camps are conducted at selected panchyat of rural rehabilitation programme. Free aids & appliances are distributed to selected patients with disability.
Preventive programme [Health Education] is conducted in the schools of selected area under Rural Rehabilitation Programme.
Mass Health Education programme is conducted at selected rural community.
Counseling is provided regularly to patients and their attendants.
OPD Services:
Specialist doctor in OPD assess the patient, diagnose and advises treatment
OPD services: Main OPD Building (Ground Floor)
Centralised Registration Time:
Monday to Friday: 8.30 to 11.30 a.m.
Saturday: 8.30 to 11 a.m.
Centralised Registration Counter: Main OPD Building
Specialised PMR services:
- Various soft tissue and joint Injections and blocks
- Spasticity management including surgery and botulinum toxin A injection
- Ultrasound guided interventions
- PRP Injections
- Foot pressure & gait analysis
- Robotic therapy
- Balance assessment
- Rehab surgeries
- Casting for various musculoskeletal disorders
- Diabetic foot ulcer management
- Neuro Rehabilitation
- Paediatric Rehabilitation and Early Intervention
- Pulmonary Rehabilitation
Inpatient Services (Ward no – 33, above blood bank):
Indoor Services are provided in the department and other Ward patients on referral basis. Spinal Injury patients (Paraplegia, Tetraplegia), Stroke, Brain Injury, cerebral palsy, patients with bowel and bladder incontinence due various Neuromuscular disorders, Reconstructive Surgery patients are admitted for comprehensive medical care and Rehabilitation. Major Reconstructive Surgery includes deformity correction, amputations, neurectomies, tendon transfers including leprosy reconstructive surgery.
Sr. No. | Name | Designation |
1 | Dr. Nonica Laisram | Associate Professor |
2 | Dr. R. K. Wadhwa | Medical Officer |
3 | Dr. Diganta Borah | Assistant Professor |
4 | Dr. Ajay Gupta | Associate Professor |
5 | Dr. Shweta Jain | Assistant Professor |
6 | Dr. Suman Badhal | Associate Professor |
7 | Dr. BanothKiran Kumar | Assistant Professor |
Sr. No. | Clinic | Day | Time | Room No. |
1 | Diabetic Foot Clinic | Tuesday | 2.00 PM | Room No - 38A |
2 | Early Intervention Clinic | Tuesday | 2.00 PM | Room No - 39 |
3 | Stroke & Neuro Rehabilitation Clinic | Wednesday | 2.00 PM | Room No - 187 |
4 | C.P. & Pediatric Rehabilitation Clinic | Thursday | 2.00 PM | Room No - 190 |
5 | Polio Clinic | Friday | 2.00 PM | Room No - 31 |
6 | Disability Certification board | Friday | 2.00 PM | Room No - 190 |
7 | Pulmonary rehab clinic | Wednesday | 2.00 PM | Room No - 184 |
- Gupta A, Channaveera C, Sethi S, Ranga S, Anand V. Efficacy of Intralesional Platelet-Rich Plasma in Diabetic Foot Ulcer. J Am Podiatr Med Assoc. 2021 May 1;111(3): Article_7. doi: 10.7547/19-149. PMID: 33231614.
- Gupta A, Channaveera C, Anand V, Sethi S. An Investigator-Initiated, Prospective, Single-Center, Open-Label Clinical Study to Evaluate Safety and Performance of Intra-Articular Hyaluronic Acid (IA-HA) (Biovisc Ortho) in Patients with Osteoarthritis (OA) of the Knee. Clin Pharmacol. 2021 May 11; 13:73-82. doi: 10.2147/CPAA.S298589. PMID: 34007222; PMCID: PMC8123980.
- Kumar BK, Wadhwa RK, Badhal S, Chethan C, Kanaujia V, Gupta A. Evaluation of Change in Aceclofenac Usage Pattern in Knee Osteoarthritis Following Viscosupplementation: A Prospective Interventional Study.2021;15(6): KC06-KC09
- Sujatha Gorle, BD Athani, Sakshi Jain, Shweta Jain. Bone mineral density in stroke survivors: An observational study. JCDR 2021 (Mar);15(3):05-08
- P Vasudeva, S Yadav, H Madrsbacher, N Kumar, V Prasads, K Saurav, R Kumar, Diganta Borah, Efficacy and safety of mirabegron for the treatment of low compliance bladder resulting from sacral/infrasacral lesion, a prospective study. Int J of Urololgy. 2020, 27(6):552-558
- Junis Ali, Diganta Borah, Nonica Laisram, SY Kothari, Chethan C. Comprehensive evaluation of effect of low dose local steroid injection in carpel tunnel syndrome. JCDR. May 2020, vol-14(5): OC20-OC23
- Goenka, S., Sethi S. Zoledronic Acid Attenuates Early Bone Loss at Forearm in Patients with Acute Spinal Cord Injury. JOIO 54, 127–133 (2020).
- Majumdar R., Jain S. (2020). Comparison of Quality of Life of Caregivers of Children with and without Disabilities JCDR. 14. 10.7860/JCDR/2020/43442.13602.
- Jain S, Kanaujia V, Singh D K, Kumar B K. Study of vitamin D levels and its correlation with ambulatory status in stroke survivors: a cross sectional study. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH: Volume-9 | Issue-10 | October-2020
- Goyal V., Saha S., Gupt S K, Laisram N. CTEV Deformity in Down Syndrome: A Rare Combination. GIJHSR. Year: 2020 | Month: April-June | Volume: 5 | Issue: 2 | Pages: 121-123
- Kanaujia V, Gupta A, Sharma D K, Verma S, Yadav R. Study of effectiveness of lateral wedge insole on medial compartment of osteoarthritis of knee treated with visco- supplementation. Indian journal of pain. Year: 2020 | Volume: 34 | Issue: 2 | Page: 106-111
- Gupt S, Borah D, Athani BD. Comparison of pulmonary function in children with cerebral palsy and normally developed children. JCDR. 2019; Vol13(8): OC25-OC27
- Sharma DK, Badhal S, Wadhwa RK, Laisram N, Kanaujia V. Clinical profile of plantar fasciitis: a tertiary care center study. Paripex Indian journal of research. 2019(8);5-6
- Badhal S, Singh U, Yadav SL, Handa G. Efficacy of lateral wedging in footwear in medial compartment osteoarthritis knee. Paripex Indian journal of research. 2019(8);7-9
- Santosh JA, Jain S, Popalwar HJ. Musculoskeletal disorders and associated risk factors in coaching studies: A cross sectional study. Journal family medicine 2019; Mar 8(3): 929-33
- Kumar N, Patni A, Jain S, Purohit N, Srivastava A, Mathur N. Long term follow up after Spinal Cord Injury: Case series from a tertiary care centre of North India. IJSR 2019 (11):8; 66-69
- Kumar A, Badhal S, Singh R K, Solanki R, Kumar M, Keswani P. Post anesthesia clumping of cauda equine nerve roots after hip replacement surgery – allegation of medical negligence: a case report. Indian J of Legal Medicine. 2019(1); 34-37
- Sharma DK, Wadhwa RK, Badhal S, Laisram N, Kumar M. Treatment outcome of plantar fasciitis with local steroid injection by ultrasound versus palpation technique. IIJOAT. 2019(5); 30-34
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At present there is no content available for this section, once content will be available would be updated.
The following teaching & training programs are run by the department on regular basis.
Post graduate training: MD- Post Graduate Degree in Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
(3 years duration after MBBS): 6 candidates per year – GGSIP University.
Under graduate training: Bachelor of Prosthetic & Orthotics (BPO)
(4 years after 10+2 with Science 16 students per year (GGSIP University))
Short Term Training: This is provided to BPT and BOT candidates of Delhi University, Nursing students of RAK College of Nursing and Nursing School of Safdarjung Hospital and to personnel from some security organizations like SSB, NSG & ITBP.
Academic activity:
- The department has a teaching and training programme for undergraduate students, interns, externs and FNB Sports medicine students.
- The department is actively engaged in academic activities including periodic organization of CME programme, Workshops, Conferences.
- The department conducts classes for postgraduate students which include bedside classes, seminars and journal clubs.
- Faculty members are actively engaged in clinical and applied research in the field.
- Department has a well equipped library with latest books and journals related to specialty of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.
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At present there is no content available for this section, once content will be available would be updated.
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