
Teaching in the department of Anatomy enunciated with the inception of Vardhman Mahavir Medical College in 2001, primed for inculcating concepts about structure and function of the human body through dissection, prosections and microscopic analysis. The department is actively involved in teaching of undergraduate and undertakes latest research activities such as Immuno assays and Immunohistochemistry.

With the input of 150 students in each batch teaching includes all aspects of anatomy viz. Gross Anatomy, Neuroanatomy, Osteology, Microanatomy, Developmental Anatomy, Surface Anatomy, Cross-sectional Anatomy, Clinical Anatomy, Radiological Anatomy and Genetics.

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Sr. No.NameDesignation
1Dr. R. K. SuriDirector Professor & HOD
2Dr. Gayatri RathDirector Professor
3Dr. Vandana MehtaProfessor
4Dr. H. K. LohDirector Professor
5Dr. Jyoti AroraDirector Professor
6Dr. Mona SharmaAssistant Professor
7Dr. Smita TapasProfessor
8Dr. Rohini PakhiddeyAssistant Professor
9Dr. Shaifaly Madan RustagiAssistant Professor

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  • Mehta V, Suri RK, Arora J, Kumar H, Yadav Y, Rath G. Crucial neuro-vascular structures entrapped in a brachial intramuscular tunnel. Rom J Morphol & Embryol 2010; 51(1): 3-6.
  • Mehta V, Arora J, Suri RK, Rath G Das S. Anomalous constitution of brachioradialis muscle- A potential site of radial nerve entrapment. La Clinica Terapeutica 2010;161(1):59-61.
  • Mehta V, Arora J, Suri RK, Kumar H, Gupta V, Rath G, Das S. Clinical significance of a cysto- colic peritoneal band found incidentally during cadaveric dissection. Clin Tera 2010; 161(2): 153-4.
  • Arora J, Mehta V, Kumar H, Suri RK, Rath G. A rare bimuscular conglomeration of Gluteopiriformis-A case report. Morphologie 2010; 94: 40-43.
  • Yadav Y, Mehta V, Gupta V, Dhuria R, Kumar H, Arora J, Suri RK, Rath G. Unilateral tetraheaded sternocleidomastoid muscle : anatomical description and clinical significance. Int Med J 2010;17(1):57-60.
  • Arora J, Mehta V, Gupta V, Suri RK, ,Rath G, Das S. Asymmetrical bilateral double mandibular canals- anatomico-radiological study and clinical implications. Clin Tera 2010; 161(2): 155-8
  • Mehta V, Arora J, Manik P, Suri RK, Rath G. Clinico- anatomical aspects of accessory fissures obscuring the normal hepatic morphology. La Clinica Terapeutica 2010;161(3):259-60.
  • Mehta V, Arora J, Suri RK, Rath G.Clinico-anatomical description of an accessory flexor pollicis longus. La Clinica Terapeutica 2010;161(6):535-36.
  • Yadav Y, Mehta V, Roy S, Suri RK, Rath G. Superior gluteal nerve entrapment between two bellies of piriformis muscle. Int J Anat Variations 2010;3: 203-4.
  • Roy S, Mehta V, Suri RK, Rath G, Dhuria R, Das S. Bi-tendinous insertion of abductor pollicis longus co-existent with a rare antebrachial muscle- clinico-anatomical consideration. La Clinica Terapeutica 2010;161(2):159-61
  • Arora J ,Mehta V, Gupta V, Suri RK, Rath G. Extensive mandibular insertion of temporalis muscle- A case report. La Clinica Terapeutica 2010:161(4): 355-58.
  • Mehta V, Arora J, Yadav Y, Suri RK, Rath G. Rectus thoracis bifurcalis- a new variant in anterior chest wall musculature. Rom J Morphol & Embryology 2010; 51(4):799-801.
  • Nayyar A, Mehta V,Gupta V, Arora J, Suri RK, Rath G.Clinico anatomical considerations of unilateral bipartite abductor digiti minimi of the foot- a case report. Anatomy 2010; 4: 72-75.
  • Roy S, Mehta V., Suri RK, Rath G, Dhuria R, Das S.. Bitendinous insertion of abductor pollicis longus coexistent with a rare accessory antebrachial muscle: clinico-anatomial considerations. La clinica terapeutica, 161(2), 159-161, 2010.
  • Mehta V, Gupta V, Arora J, Yadav Y, Loh H, Suri RK, Rath G. Bipartite origin of digastric- a clinico- anatomical appraisal. Anatomy 2011;5:44-47.
  • Mehta V, Gupta V, Arora J, Nayyar A, Suri RK, Rath G. An atypical composition of adductor hallucis co-existent withan accessory plantar muscle and duplication of flexor digiti minimi pedis.Clin Ter 2011; 162 (4):361-3.
  • Baliyan R, Arora J,Gupta V, Mehta V, Suri RK, Rath G, Das S, Nayyar A. Anomalous disposition of profunda femoris artery: a clinicoanatomical appraisal.(La clnica terapeutica 2011;162(5):435-7).
  • Mehta V, Gupta V, Arora J, Yadav Y, Kumar H, Suri RK, Rath G. Bi-partite origin of digastric muscle- a clinic anatomical appraisal. Anatomy 2011; 5:44-47.
  • Dhuria R, Mehta V, Roy S, Suri RK, Rath G. Clinico-anatomical report of a rare anomalous disposition of brachioradialis: a possible site for compressing superficial branch of radial nerve. Clin Ter. 2011; 162(3):235-7.
  • Mehta V, Gupta V, Arora J, NAyyar A, Suri RK, Rath G. An atypical composition of adductor hallucis co-existent with an accessory plantar muscle and duplication of flexor digiti minimi pedis. La Clinica tera 2011; 162(4):361-3.
  • Arora J Mehta V, Suri R.K, Rath G, Das S, Roy S, Dhuria R, Nayyar A, Baliyan R (2011) Unusual grooved styloid process in a human skull Morphological detail and clinical implications.La clinical Terapeutica 162(3):223-5
  • Dhuria R, Loh H.K, Gupta V, Mehta V, Arora J, Roy S, Suri R.K, Rath G (2011) Multiple variations of abdominal arterial anatomy: morphological description and clinical relevance Int med Jr, Japan. 18(3):240-42
  • Soni S, Rath G, Prasad C p, Salhan S, Jain AK and Saxena S. (2011) Fas-FasL system in Molar Pregnancy, American journal of reproductive Immunology. 65(5):512-20.
  • Soni S, Rath G, Prasad CP, Salhan S, Jain AK and Saxena S. (2011). Prognostic significance of soluble Fas and soluble Fas ligand in thr serum of patients with complete hydatidiform moles, American journal of reproductive Immunology.;66(3):230-6.
  • . Rath G and Tripathi R. (2011) VEGF and its soluble receptor VEGFR-2 in the hypertensive disorders during pregnancy: the Indian scenario Journal of human hypertension 26:196-204
  • Rath G, R. Dhuria, S. Salhan , AK Jain (2011) Morphology and morphometric analysis of stromal capillaries in full term human placental villi of smoking mothers: an electron microscopic study .La clinical Terapeutica 162(4):201-207
  • Mehata V, Arora J, Suri R. K., Rath G (2011), “Clinico-anatomical revelation of a rare bilaminar constitution of the geniohyoid muscle: Asian Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 23(3):150-152
  • Rath G, Soni S, Prasad CP, Salhan S. Jain A.K,Saxena S. (2011) Bcl-2 and p53 Expression in Indian Women with complete Hydatidiform moles .Singapore Medical Journal. 52(7):502-507.
  • Mehta V, Gupta V, Nayar A, Arora J, Loh H K , Suri R. K., Rath G,(2011) Accessory muscle belly of peroneus tertius in the leg- rare anatomical variation with clinical relevance- utility in reconstructions. Morphologie 95; 23-25.
  • Mehta V, Suri R. K, Arora J, Ravi Satish,Dave V,Rath G. (2012)Clinical submission of supernumerary head of adductor brevis. J surg Academia, 1(1):72-75.
  • Mehta V, Arora J, Nayar A, Ravi Satish ,Suri R. K, Rath G. Clinico- anatomical insinuation of a rare case of bilaminar organisation of gracilis muscle- value to clinicians. Int Med Journal, Japan. 18(3):243-4
  • Mehta V, Arora J, Dhuria R, Ravi Satish, Nayar A, Baliyan R, Suri R. K, Rath G(2011) Atypical case presentation of bilateral bitendinous insertion of tibilais anterior- insight into its clinical applications. Int Med Journal, Japan. 18(4):337-8
  • Roy S, . Mehta V, Arora J,.Dhuria R,. Suri R K, Rath G Das S (2011)An unusual bifid origin of 1st lumbrical muscle of hand: Anatomical and clinical perspectives .La Clinica Terapeutica 162(3):249-50
  • Mehta V, Baliyan R, Arora J, Suri R K ,Rath G ,Kumar A (2012)Unusual innervation pattern of pectoralis minor muscle–anatomical description and clinical implications La Clinica Terapeutica 163(6):499-502
  • Baliyan R, Mehta V, Arora J Nayyar A,, Suri R K ,Rath G(2011)Unilateral neural communication co-existent with variant branching pattern of posterior cord of brachial plexus. Acta Medica,54(3)a31-134.
  • Arora J, Mehta V, Nayyar A ,, Suri R K, Rath G Das S( 2011) Unilateral anomalous brachial and antebrachial musculature associated with duplication of anterior interrossous nerve:a case report.Clinica Terapeutica162(5)423-425.
  • Gupta V,Arora J,Mehta V,Dhuria R Suri R .Rath G(2011)Morphological description and clinico radiological evaluation of rare bony exostosis associated with second rib.Int Med Jr,18(4):339-341.
  • Mehta V, Suri R. K, Arora I, Nayar A, Rath G (2011) Clinicoanatomical perview of supernumerary peronei in the leg musculature-utility for reconstruction. Changjung medical Journal, 34(6suppl):62-5.
  • Arora J, MehtaV, Suri RK, Rath G, Tobin R, Das S (2011) Accessory osseous passages in the vicinity of foramen rotundum in a dry adult human skull: morphological evaluation, embryological correlation and clinical reappraisal. La Clinica terapeutica, 162(3):239-41.
  • Roy S, Rath G, Churia R, Yadav V, Suri RK, Das S (2011). An accessory venous channel of abdomen: an anatomical insight. La clinica terapeutica, 162(3):243-44
  • Arora J,Mehta V, Suri RK, Rath G, Das S (2011) Anamolous pulmonary fissural anatomy of right lung- A case report, J Surg Academia, 1(2).74-76.
  • Satish R, Mehta V, Arora J, Suri R. K., Rath G (2012), Clinoco-embryological submission of a unilateral anomalous presentation of axillary artery.- Bratisl Lek Listy 113(12):725-7.
  • Kumar A, Tomar V, Mehta V,Suri RK, RathG (2012)Unilateral anomalous antebrachial vasculature-a clinico-embryological insight. . La Clinica Terapeutica 163(3):227-9
  • Arora J, Kumar A, Nayyar A ,Loh H.K ,Gupta V, Suri R K, Rath G( 2012) Bipartite clavicular attachment of sternocleidomastoid muscle :A case report Anatomy and Cell Biology 45(1):66-9. doi: 10.5115/acb.2012.45.1.66. Epub 2012 Mar 31
  • Mehta V, Dave V, Suri RK Rath G(2012)Quadrification of hepatic artery proper in conjuction with double right gastric arteries Singapore Med Jr 53(10):e211-3
  • Dhuria R, Mehta V, Suri RK, Rath G (2013) Anamalous composition of musculature of first dorsal fibro-osseous compartment of the wrist – a case report. Singapore Medical Journal. 53(6):e133-5
  • Arora J, Mehta V, Suri RK, Rath G (2012) Unusual topography of posterior antebrachial musculature in the first asseo-fibrous compartments of wrist-clinico morphological appraisal. Int J Morphol 30(2):714-718.
  • Rath G Tripathi R (2012) Letter to editor :Angiogenic balance and diagnosis of preeclampsia: selecting the right VEGF receptor. Journal of Human Hypertension 26:207- 210.
  • Arora J, Mehta V, Kumar A, Dave V, Suri R. K.Rath G, Kumar S, Thukral B B (2012) Bilateral double assemetrical infraorbital foraminae and canals- Morphometric Analysis and Radiographic Pattern .International Medical Journal;, 19(1)86.
  • Tripathi R, Rath G, Sharma S, Singhal P, Hussain S, Jawanajl P, Bahradwaj M (2012). Alteration of Jagged-1 protein in invasive Squamous cell Carcinoma of Human cervix: Indian scenario, Journal of carcinogenesis 11: S41
  • . Jawanjal P, Salhan S, Dhawan I, Rath G (2012). Role of HPV in the activation of Wnt/bcatenin pathway in Squamous cell carcinoma of cervix, Journal of carcinogenesis 11: S34
  • Baliyan R, MehtaV, Suri RK, Arora J, Rath G. Anatomic divergence in the hepatic arterial branching pattern- clinical viewpoint value to hepatologists, in BJMHS 2012;1(1): 39-45.
  • Mehta V, Kumar A, Arora J, Suri RK, Rath G A clinico- anatomical account of an accessory muscle fascicle emanating from sartorius muscle. Argentina J Clin Anat 2012;4(3):106-109.
  • Arora J, Dave V, Kumar A, Mehta V, Nayyar A, Suri RK, Rath G, Das D (2013) Unusual architecture of extensor digitorum muscle of hand in conjunction with accessory belly of extensor carpi radialis brevis: a clinico-anatomical insight.La Clinica Tearapeutica.; 164 (1):27-29
  • Tripathi R, Rath G Ralhan R , Saxena S, Salhan S (2013) Soluble VEGF R-1 in pathophysiology of pregnancies complicated by hypertensive disorders: The Indian scenario. Journal of human hypertention:27, 107-114 | doi:10.1038/jhh.2012.2
  • Tapas S,Hansdak R,Mehta V, Suri R k,Rath G (2013)Pre masseteric branch of facial artery supplying temporalis :A rare variation.Int Med Jr (IMJ)In Press
  • Thakur,A, Mehta V, Anshu A, Suri R K, Rath G(2013) Medial cutaneous nerve of axillaA rare cutaneous branch of medial cord of brachial plexus. Jr of Clinical & Diagnostic Res ( In Press)
  • Thakur,A,Loh H ,Mehta V, , Suri R K, Rath G(2013) Multiple variation of reno gonadal vasculature ;A clinical and embryological prospective.Jr of Morpho Science.( In press)
  • Anshu A, Gupta N, Gandhi S, Thakur,A, Loh H ,Mehta V,Arora J, Suri R K, Rath G(2013); A rare conglomeration of neurovascular variations in the brachiumantebrachium: Clinico-embryological elucidation. La ClinicaTer(In Press)
  • Dave V, Gandhi S ,Mehta V, Kumar A, Arora J, Suri RK, Rath G. (2013)An unusal array of extensor musculature and tendons of the hand –Clinico- anatomical insight .La Clinica Tearapeutica.(In Press).
  • Gandhi S,Gupta N,Thakur A, Anshu A, Mehta V,Suri RK, Rath G (2013) Anatomical and clinical insight of variant morphologies of psoas minor muscle:a case report and review of literature IJCRR (Accepted)
  • Hansdak R,Pakhiddey R,Thakur A,Anshu A,Suri RK, Rath G (2013)Surgico anatomical elucidation of variant dorsal pancreatic artery.Indian Jr of Basic and Applied Med Res (Accepted)
  • Tripathi R, Rath G ,Jawanjal P,Sharm, S Singhal P ,Bhambhani S, Hussain S ,Bharadwaj M (2012) Alteration of Notch 1 and notch 3 expression in HPV associated precancerous and cancerous lesions of uterine cervix.Gyneologic Oncology (Mans no GYN 13-716) (In Press)
  • Jawanjal P,Salhan S, Dhawan I Tripathi,Rath G Peptidyl –prolyl isomerase pin 1mediated abrogation of APC Bcatenin interaction in sqamous cell carcinoma of cervixRomanian Jr of Morpho and Embryo ( In Press)
  • Mehta V, Arora J, Nayar A, Kumar A , Suri RK, Rath G (2012). Intrathoracic intrusion of left lobe of thyroid gland co-existent with absent isthmus: Clinico-anatomical considerations. La clinica Terapeutica.
  • Mehta V, Suri RK, Arora J, Loh HK, Gupta V, Rath G (2012). Unusual variation of plantaris muscle-clinical and surgical notes. La clinica Terapeutica.
  • Gandhi S, Singla RK, Suri RK, Mehta V, Rath G (2012). Retroaortic left renal vein associated with unilateral superior renal polar artery- A Clinico-embryological perspective. La clinica Terapeutica.
  • Gandhi S, Singla RK, Kullar JS, Agnihotri G, Mehta V, Suri RK, Rath G (2012). Human Tibial Torsion- Morphometric assessment and Clinical Relevance. Chang Gung Med J.
  • G.Rath, S.Roy, U.Goyal, A.K.Jain, A.Mukherjee(2011).Placental Vasculosyncytial membrane in tobacco exposed Indian mothers: A quantitative and ultrastructural study Journal of International Medical Science Academy,24:53-55.
  • Sharma M, Kumar R, Bhatla N, Dhingra R. "A Comparative study of apoptosis in placentas of normal and preeclamptic Indian pregnant women by TUNEL assay and M30 immunostaining. Research article. Journal of clinical laboratory analysis; 2012: 26: 459-466.
  • Sharma M, Kumar R, Dhingra R. “An immunohistochemical study of the syncytial knots in the preeclamptic placentas". Research article. International journal of pharmaceutical research and bioscience; 2012: 1(4) 228-239.
  • . Sharma M, Dhingra R, Kumar R. “Relevance of placental pathological changes of maternal inflammatory syndrome along with the obstetric and clinical parameters in preeclampsia”. Research article. International journal of scientific and research publications, 2012; 2(8): 313-320.
  • Sharma M, Kumar R, Dhingra R. “Apoptosis: Understanding of the signaling pathways”. Review Article. International journal of biological and medical research. 2012; 3(3):2029--2031.
  • Sharma M, Kumar R, Dhingra R. “Apoptosis: Searching for the detection techniques”. Review article. International journal of biological and medical research. 2012; 3(3):2172- 2175.
  • Tapas S, Kaushal P, Dhar P. Bilateral Accesory Thoracodorsal Artery- A Case Report. International Medical Journal. Vol.19, No.1, pp.75-76, March 2012.
  • Shaifaly M Rustagi, Veena Bharihoke “Histomorphometric study of internal carotid artery in Man “ European Journal of Anatomy ,2013,17(1);1-8.
  • Shaifaly M Rustagi, Veena Bharihoke .Intracranial Human Vertebral Artery : A Histomorphological Study “.International Journal Of Current Research and Review ,2013 ;11(5).
  • Shaifaly M Rustagi, Patnaik VV Gopichand, Sanjeev Thakyal “A Study of foot anthropometry in right footed Indian Population” Medicolegal-Update, 2013; (1)130- 135.
  • Shaifaly M Rustagi, Veena Bharihoke “Bilateral asymmetry of the intracranial vertebral artery in the Indian Population” accepted published in Medicolegal-Update.2013; vol 13 (1)126-130.
  • Pakhiddey R, Prajna Paramita Samanta. Anomalous origin of superior thyroid artery from common caotid: a case report. International Journal of Anatomical Variation 2013; June (In Press).
  • Pakhiddey R, Saha S. Anatomical Variation in the Branching Pattern of the Femoral Nerve and its clinical importance. Case Study and Case Report 2013 (In Press).
  • Tapas S, Iyer P, Rajgopal L. Unilateral enlarged persistent Median Artery- A case Report. International Medical Journal. Accepted for publication.
  • Tapas S, Hansdak R, Mehta V, Suri RK, Rath G. Premasseteric branch of Facial Artery Supplying Temporalis- A rare variation. International Medical Journal. Accepted for publication.

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