हृदय वक्षवाहिका और संवहनी शल्‍य चिकित्‍सा विभाग (सीटीवीएस)


The Department of Cardiothoracic & Vascular Surgery was first established in 1983.The Department has steadily grown and became a teaching Department in 2008. In June 2018, the Department shifted from OPD block to the Super Specialty Block, 1st & 5th floor. 

The In Patient services are provided with 80 ward beds, 38 ICU beds and 6 Operating Rooms . 

OPD services are provided from Monday to Friday from 2 to 4 pm. CTVS OPD is located on the 1st floor of Super Specialty Block. 

CTVS team provides wide spectrum of Adult and Pediatric Cardiac, Thoracic and Vascular services. 

In 2019, structural heart valve programme in the form of TAVI, TEVAR was started along with the Department of Cardiology. In addition, endovascular procedures for peripheral artery are also being performed along with Department of Radiology. Initially, there were 2 M.Ch CTVS seats per year recognized by MCI, which rose to 5 per year in 2020.

There is robust teaching programme which includes seminars, case presentations, journal club, mortality & morbidity review and supervised surgical training.


  1. HOD Office and Faculty offices at 5th floor.
  2. CTVS Ward A, 40 bedded, 5th floor.
  3. CTVS Ward B, 40 bedded, 5th floor.
  4. CTVS ICU 1, 19 bedded, 1st floor.
  5. CTVS ICU 2, 19 bedded, 5th floor.
  6. CTVS OT, 06 OT’s, 1st floor.
  7. CTVS OPD/consultation rooms, 05 rooms at 1st floor, (126-130)
  8.  Seminar room, at 1st floor.


Sl. No.Services


Cardiac Surgery 



Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery


Both on pump & off-pump coronary artery bypass surgeries have been performed. Arterial conduits such as LIMA and radial artery are used routinely including total arterial CABG 


Surgery for Valvular heart disease


Mitral Valve repairs and Tricuspid Valve repair

 Valve Replacements 

Aortic surgeries

Replacement of the aortic root with a valve conduit, valve preserving ascending aorta replacement surgeries, Wheat procedure


Surgery for Congenital Cardiac Defects


Various surgical procedures for congenital cardiac defects have been carried out.  These include PDA ligation, Closure of Atrial(ASD) and Ventricular septal defects (VSD)and AV Canal defects (AVSD).  Palliative and definitive treatment for cyanotic congenital cardiac anomalies (blue babies) such as Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF), Double outlet right ventricle (DORV), Transposition of Great Arteries (TGA)and Tricuspid Atresia (TA) and other Complex Anomalies 


Vascular Surgery 


Vascular surgical procedures have been performed in this unit since inception.   These include Aorto-bifemoral bypass, femoro-popliteal bypass and other bypass 

 Trauma related cases. AV Fistula for CKD creation and complications of AVF 

Surgery for Thoracic Outlet Obstrution


Thoracic Surgery


Various surgical procedures such as excision of mediastinal masses, hydatid cyst excision, pericardiactemy pneumonectomy, Lobectomy etc. 

Carcinoma lung and Isolated Metastasis to Lung 


Robotic Surgery

Both Robotic Cardiac and Thoracic procedures 

Sr. No.NameDesignation
1Dr. Anubhav GuptaProfessor & Head
2Dr. Manju GuptaProfessor
3Dr. Ajit Kumar Padhy Professor
4Dr. Subrata PramanikAssistant Professor
5Dr. Madhur KumarAssistant Professor
6Dr. Vishesh SharmaAssistant Professor



Faculty name 


University Affiliation (GSSIPU)

Office Address

Contact No 


Dr. Anubhav Gupta

Professor & Head


Room No 556, 5th Floor, S.S.B. Safdarjung Hospital




Dr. Manju Gupta



Associate Professor 


Room no. P-536, 5th floor, S.S.B. Safdarjung hospital



Dr. Ajit Kumar Padhy 



Associate Professor

Room No P-537, 5th Floor, S.S.B. Safdarjung Hospital



Dr. Subrata Pramanik

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor 

Room No P-538, 5th Floor, S.S.B. Safdarjung Hospital



Dr. Madhur Kumar

Assistant Professor


Room No 527, 5th Floor, S.S.B. Safdarjung Hospital



Dr. Vishesh Sharma

Assistant Professor


Room no. 526, 5th floor, SSB, Safdarjung Hospital



CTVS OPD, 1st floor, Super Specialty Block.

Registration at SSB OPD Counter at 01:30 PM.

S.No.OPD DAYS Room 129Room 130 
1Monday  Dr. Anubhav GuptaSenior Resident 
2Tuesday  Dr. Subrata PramanikDr. Manju Gupta
3WednesdayDr. Madhur KumarDr. Manju Gupta
4ThursdaySenior ResidentDr. Vishesh Sharma
5FridayDr. Anubhav GuptaDr. Ajit Kumar Padhy


CTVS Physiotherapy clinic [Monday to Friday 9am to 4 pm] at room no. 126, 1st floor, SSB.


Since 2019 

1  Dhar S, Agarwal A, Padhy AK, et al. Calcified right- atrial wall thrombus in a patient of rheumatic valvular heart disease- a rare association. J. Evolution Med. Dent. Sci. 2019;8(11):824-825


Agarwal A,Dhar S, Saurav S,Padhy A, Gupta A Posterior aortic root enlargement for small aortic root: early results. JMSCR May 2019:7(5);559-564


Agarwal A,Dhar S,Gupta A, Padhy A. Palliative emergency mediastinal tracheostomy in carcinoma thyroid:case report JMSCR May 2019:7(5);812 -814


Dhar S, Agarwal A,Yadav M, Gupta A Management of mild to moderate aortic valve disease undergoing mitral valve surgery JMSCR May 2019:7(5):565-572


Agarwal A, SauravKS, Padhy A, Gupta A, Popli K. Short Term Outcomes of Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting and Concomitant Valve Procedure: A Retrospective Review. JMSCR May 2019:7(7):196-200


Dhar S, Gupta A, Guru SA, Padhy AK. Early Results of Left Atrial Reduction Plasty in Patients Undergoing Mitral Valve Replacement. J Cardiovasc Med Surg. 2019;5(3):131-136


Padhy AK, Sistla CV, Gupta A. Left sinus of Valsalva aneurysm rupturing into superior vena cava. Asian Cardiovasc Thorac Ann. 2019 Oct;27(8):677-680


Dhar S,Sistla VPL CK, Madhur K, Gupta A, Padhy AK. Total versus partial chordal preservation in mitral valve replacement: Early results. JMSCR Volume 07 Issue 05 May 2019


Sistla VPL CK, Popli K, Saurabh KS, Munjal R, Gupta A. Single center experience of mitral valve surgery in young. JMSCR. 2019 November;7(11), 18-22


Sistla VPL CK, Ulhasrao JN,  Madhur K, Saurabh KS, Divya A, Gupta A. Surgical AVR, Revisited. JMSCR. 2019 December; 7(12), 224-228


Padhy AK, Sistla CV, Saurabh KS, Rahi S, Balakrishnan I, Gupta A. Surgical Management of Complex Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Causing Severe Mitral Regurgitation in a Child. JMSCR , 2020 March;8(03), 265-268. 


Sistla VPL CK, Padhy AK, Kumar M , Guroo SA, Garg P, Gupta A. Early results of surgical and Endovascular intervention procedures in Lower extremity arterial disease. Perspectives in Medical Research 2020; 8(1):75-80


Kunwar SS, Padhy AK, Kumar M, Munjal R, Gupta A:    Haemodynamic Effects of Pericardial Closure after Cardiac Surgery. Perspectives in Medical Research 2020; 8(1):81-85


Kunwar SS, Popli K, Chandrakumar SVPL, Guroo SA, Gupta A: Single Centre Experience of Double Valve Replacement Using Mechanical Valves. Perspectives in Medical Research 2020; 8 (3):74-80 


Kumar M, Pramanik S, Gupta A. Operative management and outcomes of peripheral vascular trauma in pediatric and adolescent population. Indian J Vasc Endovasc Surg 2021;8: S66-8.


Kumar M, Choudhury AR, Garg P, Gupta A, Agarwal Y. Endovascular management and outcomes of aortoiliac occlusive disease. Indian J Vasc Endovasc Surg 2021;8: S31-5. 


Kumar M, Pramanik S, Gupta A. Operative management and outcomes of peripheral vascular trauma in pediatric and adolescent population. Indian J Vasc Endovasc Surg 2021;8: S66-8.


 Kumar M, Choudhury AR, Garg P, Gupta A, Agarwal Y. Endovascular management and outcomes of aortoiliac occlusive disease. Indian J Vasc Endovasc Surg 2021;8: S31-5.


Kumar M, Padhy AK, Munjal R, Gupta A: Short term clinical and echocardiography outcomes of Pericardectomy in Constrictive Pericarditis. J Cardiovasc Thorac Res 2021; 13(2):169-173


Kumar M, Parmanik S, Gupta A. Operative management and outcomes of brachial artery revascularization following delayed presentation of traumatic brachial artery injury: surgical persistence rewarded. Int Surg J. 2021;8(6):1793-1796


Guroo SA, Padhy AK, Popli k, Munjal R, Kisko N, Gupta A. Results of flap based management in deep sternal wound infection.   Perspectives in Medical Research.2021:9(2):69-72.


Guroo SA, Padhy AK, Popli k, Jadhav NU, Sudesh, Gupta A. Microbial analysis in sternal wound infection: culture & sensitivity patterns and antibiotic Resistance. Perspectives in Medical Research (in press)


Sankalp S, Yadav M, Kunwar SS, Gupta A. Analysis of various techniques of aortic root enlargement Asian Cardiovasc Thorac Ann. 2021;29(6):565-573.


Jadhav NU, Padhy AK, Kumar M, Popli M, Khan F, Gupta A. Continuous versus Intermittent suture Technique in vascular anastomosis in cases of peripheral vascular trauma, ejbps 2021:8(10):410-414.


Jadhav NU, Parmanik S Munjal R, Mathur A, Kesarwani P, Gupta A Single institutional experience of management of penetrating trauma chest. International Surgery Journal.2021:8(10):3122-3128.


Munjal R, Kisku N, Parmanik S, Gupta A.Traumatic Axillary artery repair: single centre experience, Indian J Vasc Endovasc Surg 2022;9(1)27. 


Munjal R, Parmanik S, Padhy AK, Jadhav NU, Gupta A. Superior Mediastinal Tumour Excision Through Upper Partial Sternotomy and Chamberlain Incision. International Surgery Journal 2021;8(10):3116-3122.


Kesharwani P, Kumar M, Faisal M, Gupta M, Behera K, Pramanik S, et al. Single centre experience with carotid body tumour. Indian J Appl Res. 2022;12(11) 49-51.


Kesharwani P, Faisal M, Popli K, Gupta A, Prashad R and Tyagi A. Our experience of mitral valve repair in a predominant rheumatic population using a semiflexible annuloplasty ring (CE Physio 2 annuloplasty ring). Indian J Appl Res. 2022;12(11)52-55.


Faisal M, Kesharwani P, Padhy AK, Kumar M, Gupta A and Virabhai HN. Tricuspid valve repair - our early experience with Edwards C-E Physio tricuspid annuloplasty rings. Indian J Appl Res. 2022;12(11)14-17.


Faisal M, Kesharwani P, Pramanik S, Popli K, Gupta A and Chandhar P. Ebstein's anomaly - our early and mid-term results with cone repair. Indian J Appl Res. 2022;12(11):18-20.               


Tyagi A, Pramanik S, Kumar M, Gupta A, Prashad R, Sridhar D, Marvania S. Associationof sternl dehiscence in pedicled versus skeletonized LIMA/BIMA harvest: Comparative retrospective study. IOSR.2024;23(7):14-22


Tyagi A, Pramanik S, Kumar M, Gupta A, Prashad R, Sridhar D, Marvania S. Training and Credentialing in Robotic Cardiac Surgery: Current Prespectives in India.


Hadiya N, Kumar M, Gupta A, Tyagi A, Prashad R. Clinical and echocardiography Outcomes Following Pericardiectomy in Chronic Constrictive Pericarditis. IOSR.2024;23(12):43-49


Hadiya N, Kumar M, Prashad R, Chandar P, Gupta A. Clinical Characteristics and Surgical Outcomes following Cardiac Myxoma Resection- Outcomes of Cardiac Myxoma resection.


Chandhar P, Pramanik S, Gupta M, Gupta A, Prashad R, Hadiya N, Tyagi S A, Behera K, The first preferred Second Choice Conduit for Coronary Artery Revascularization- A Review Article on Radial Artery Conduit Usage in CABG. IOSR-JDMS.2024;23(6):56-61


Chandhar P, Pramanik S, Gupta A, Gupta M,.Total correction for Tetralogy of Fallot in Patients Weighing Over 10 kg: Experiences and Follow-Up Outcomes.


Behera k, Padhy A, Popli K, Pramanik S, Prashad R, Gupta A. Robotic Mitral valve Replacement: a short-term single institution experience. Indian Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery.


Behera k, Padhy A, Gupta M, Gupta A, Pramanik S, Chandhar P. Surgical Management of Haemodialysis Ateriovenous Fistula Complications: A Single Centre experience: AV Fistula takedown in haemodialysis dependent CKD patients. Portuguese Journal of Cardiac Thoracic and Vascular Surgery.


Kumar M, Gupta A. Surgical Management and Outcomes of Extremity Vascular Trauma. Indian J Vasc Endovasc Surg 2024;11(4):224-228.


Prashad R, Padhy A, Pramanik S, Tyagi A, Gupta A, Gupta M. Long Term Results Of Left Atrial Reduction-Plasty In Patients Undergoing Mitral Valve Replacement. Padhy A, editor. brazilian journal of cardiovascular surgery. brazilian journal of cardiovascular surgery;


Prashad R, Kumar M, Hadiya N, Gupta A. Mid-Term outcomes of mitral valve repair in rheumatic heart disease. Kumar M, editor. heartindia. heart india;


* Guest Lectures: 

  • Dr. A. Sampath Kumar, on Aortic homograft use, aortic root anatomy,aortic valave replacement (2019).
  • Dr. Ali Zamir Khan (September 2019) on Robotics and Thoracic surgery.
  • Dr. Vikas Arora (July 2022) on Biostatics.
  • Dr. Vikas Arora (April 2023) on Biostatics. 
  • Dr. V. Devagourou, Surgical management of Transposition of great arteries (TGA) with VSD, PS. (November 2024).


* Organized Delhi Chapter: 

- 24th Delhi & NCR Cardiac Surgeons Meeting (December 2019)

- 32nd Delhi & NCR Cardiac Surgeons Meeting (October 2024) 


  • Inaugural workshop of Valve Repair: Mitral Valve - on 25th - 26th August 2023.
  • Academic Vascular Anastamosis workshop – on 18-11-2024


M.Ch CTVS (05 students per academic session).


Our residents are performing regular classes, seminars and case presentation.

Structured and monitored training programme.


We performed first successful robotic mitral valve replacement in public sector in India.

Award: -

  1. Awarded to department for outstanding contribution to Kayakalp scheme, 2017-2018, 2018-2019 & 2020-2021.
  2. Dr. Anubhav Gupta, Professor & Head, awarded for excellent public service during Covid- 19 pandemic, 2020.
  3. Award for Patient Safety  2021 & 2024.
  4. Appreciation certificate for first heart transplantation 2023. 
  5. Certificate for appreciation for Cadaveric Organ retrieval 2024.
  6. Dr. Anubhav Gupta, Professor awarded by “Icon of IMA-SDM Award” in July 2024.
  7. Appreciation certificate by Hospital Quality cell.

At present there is no content available for this section, once content will be available would be updated.